Now decide, where and how you want to pee yourself. Some good places are: an empty park early in the morning, on a nature trail, or at a beach beach.
So where should you go? For your first accident choose a quiet, stress free place. It will be the place where you found out for sure that you are a pants wetter. The place where you have your first wetting accident will be unforgettable. Wetting your pants can be an age regression experience, or just a f un and embarrassing activity. There are many ways you can wet your pants without anyone directly noticing. Summertime is the perfect time to have an accident in public. This hypnosis file leads you to imagine wetting yourself in a park by accident! Does this sound like you? If you’re not sure if you like the idea, listen to my free Wet Your Pants Illusion. Maybe you even like the idea that a nearby stranger sees you potty dancing until you can’t hold your bladder anymore. You’ve daydreamed about letting your warm pee stream down your pants. So you want to wet your pants in public for the very first time! You have thought about wetting yourself in public but have been too scared to do it.